Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 4848
Annual Return Start: 17 Aug 2021
Annual Return End: 16 Aug 2022
Date Received: 24 Oct 2022
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L3.5 Water and/or La Point 43 treated effluent discharge exceeded the EPA Licence limit for Total Suspended Solids of 15mg/L. The concentration recorded for the sample was 15.7mg/L. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L3.5 Water and/or La Point 43 treated effluent discharge exceeded the EPA Licence Limit for Conductivity of 1500µS/cm. The Conductivity recorded for the sample was 1533µS/cm. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
M2.2 Air Monitoring Monitoring of MNT is required to be conducted under Special Frequency 1, which is quarterly when the plant is running. During this years TNT production run, MNT was monitored only once at EPA Point 27, Building 817 instead of twice. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
M2.3 Water and or La Monthly samples at EPA Licence Point 2 were unable to be taken. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 3
L3.4 Air Concentrati Point 73 SFE VOC emissions to air concentration exceeded the EPA Licence limit of 40mg/m3. The concentration recorded for the sample was 138mg/m3 EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L3.4 Air Concentrati Point 32, Building 837 in the RDX manufacturing plant VOC emissions to air concentration exceeded the EPA licence limit of 40mg/m3. The concentration recorded for the sample was 2000mg/m3. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L3.4 Air Concentrati Point 27 Building 817 emissions to air concentration exceeded the EPA Licence limit of 40mg/m3. The concentrations recorded were 102mg/m3 and 65mg/m3. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 2
L3.5 Water and/or La Point 43 effluent discharge exceeded the EPA Licence for BOD of 10mg/L. The concentrations recorded for the samples were 16.7mg/L and 11.3mg/L. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 2
L3.5 Water and/or La Point 43 treated effluent discharge exceeded the EPA Licence limit for Oil and Grease of 2mg/L. The concentrations recorded for the samples were 2.5mg/L, 4.5mg/L and 3.0mg/L. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 3